Online Therapy
I offer online therapy via Zoom, a secure and reliable online platform. Online therapy enables you to receive therapy in your own home or safe environment. In the current climate with the coronavirus pandemic and with ongoing lockdown and strong recommendations around social distancing, the benefits of online therapy are even more obvious.
I am also offering free sessions to NHS frontline workers, to support those under greatest pressure during the pandemic. If you are eligible for this, and would be interested in online therapy, please get in touch with me via the form on the Contact page.
How can you prepare for sessions?
It is important that you choose a suitable setting, that is a quiet and private, protected from possible disturbance (for example other family members, children, pets and mobile phones.).
In the event of self-isolation or if you need to be in different parts of the home, this will not pose difficulties.
Please position your webcam so that I can see you well (ideally from the waist up) and ensure that there is adequate lighting in front of you so that your face is not in shadow. Please try to reduce any source of light from behind you as this will make it harder to see you.
Check your video and audio quality, and make sure you have the e-mail link ready before the session.
Initial appointment and beyond
The initial consultation will allow you to consider what brings you to therapy and whether online therapy will be the most helpful way forward. It can be helpful before the appointment to consider your situation and how you want psychotherapy to help. Ongoing weekly meetings, or sometimes a further one or two consultation meetings may be offered before making a decision about the way forward.
Subsequent appointments will take place at the same time each week and any cancelled sessions will need to be paid for in full, as per my terms and conditions, which must be agreed to before committing to the process.